Sunday, 10 March 2013

The story of how it’s started

Now I’m a fan of books, but as a child I hated reading, and each homework involving reading was like a nightmare to me. Suddenly, it has changed, and whose fault was that? My PE teacher that made me and my classmates running outside when the weather wasn’t so good (it was really cold), and I got ill, it was a pneumonia, I stayed at home for 3 weeks, I knew all TV commercials by heart and I was bored to death. Then, I realized that some of my friends mentioned an extraordinary book which was so engaging that once you start reading you just continue until the end and I thought “maybe I could try and it won’t kill me”. I told my mum to buy my this book. It felt like a desperate move, but I had no other idea what to do with my time. My mum was skeptical, she didn’t believe that I might actually read something that I didn’t have to read. I begged her, so she finally bought that book for me. And it turned out that reading could be fun! You just have to choose something you like. So I guess I will write from time to time about my choices of books.

Oh and the book that changed my life – it was Harry Potter ;) I still have a strong sentiment for this series. And it really changed my life, because now, I couldn’t imagine myself without reading.


  1. If you know, my life is based on books and on literature. Books or stories make you rich! and...I wait your posts about books:-)

  2. ufff, Harry Potter <3

    I thought your mother had bought you "Petit Robert" or something;)

  3. I can say that our generation grew up with Harry Potter. And also I remember the note on the cover:"Jeśli sądzisz, że w dobie komputerów sztuka czytania zanikła, zwłaszcza wśród dzieci, to niezawodny znak, że jesteś MUGOLEM!" :)

  4. That's probably the only case when a PE teacher turned someone into a book lover :) I guess you need to thank him/her for that ;)
